Tuesday, November 02, 2004

Election Day - Get out and Vote!

Don't forget ladies and gentlemen, today is November 2nd. That means today is ELECTION DAY! Please, I beg all of you registered voters to go out there and make your voice heard. Of course, since I'm a Republican I am really just want the Republican voices to be heard. Oh, if you are a Democrat and you really don't want to vote for Kerry just because he's "The Other Guy" then get out there and make your vote for Nader! Hell, go nuts... vote for Bush or Nader! :)

On a local note: (New Yorkers) Please do not vote for the re-election of Charles Schumer. I'm sure Hilary Clinton can find herself another assistant and we don't need to elect her a free one. I managed to even convince one die-hard Dem to vote for Mr. Mills, I know I can get more.


This message was brought to you by one lone Republican voter awash in an Island of Democrats.

I'm Jay Mac and I approved this message.


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