I realize that no one that I know will take the time to see both sides of any political arguement. One side is always right, the other side is always wrong. When I discuss politics with people, I see that no longer can two sides have opinions. One side has an opinion or opinions that are
fact. The opposing opinion is
wrong and
incorrect. Simple as that. It's never a discussion, it's a debate that always breaks down to the most basest of elements; irrational yelling and screaming. Neither side gains anything from it, other than to vent their negativity about the other side's point and whatnot. I've decided to retire this diary from political issues. I'll leave that in the capable hands of my contemporaries.
What I really think I can't take is ignorance. When someone decides they are going to push their own agenda over something that they are completely unqualified to speak about. When they think that because they are educated, they can make broad statements about topics that they really know nothing about, that makes me very angry. I know I am guilty of the same things I'm complaining about. Sometimes I just wing it when confronted with a topic I am ignorant over. That's usually when I am trying to be funny. When I am trying to be serious, I will make my ignorance known. I try not to form opinions about things that I don't really understand or lack the background to understand why decisions were made the way they were in a given issue. I'd probably attempt to research the topic or talk to people that have a background in it to find out why these things happen. I'd like to believe I would at least attempt to be objective.
Enough of all this rambling, barely coherent, blogging. I'm going to relax and sit back and just try to turn it down a notch. I'm going to take an example from
The Red Bull Diary.