Saturday, November 06, 2004

Perhaps the end of an era.

I read articles like this and I have to sit back and wonder, "Is he really dead?" Not in an Elvis kind of way obviously. The man is in a French hospital receiving top medical care from them, not that that is particularly surprising either. I hear reports that he is comatose, that he's dead, that he's improving. I am hoping that over this weekend we can finally see the end of a "sometimes" violent terrorist leader - Yassir Arafat.
Now I know that he has publicly denouced terrorist attacks on Israel and the non-Arab world a number of times in the last couple of years, but did it really help? Was it more of a "wink and a nod" to his constituents? I don't know. What I do hope for is that his replacements can start to work for a change, maybe even some kind of peace in the Middle East with Israel.

Here's the links folks :

Wednesday, November 03, 2004

Election Day is Over, Hail to the Chief!

Amidst the hours of 9PM and midnight I felt a great amount of fear and trepidation. I finally was able to rest around 230AM. Ohio was pretty much locked up with 95% reporting a 110,000 vote lead for the President. New Mexico, Colorado, Iowa, and Nevada were looking pretty good too. I laid my head down and fell asleep, but I slept fitfully.

At 1030AM I awoke and sat in my living room and popped on the TV and quickly switched to the news. I poured myself a glass of soda and had a cigarette or two and then I heard the joyous news. Senator Kerry had done the right thing and he conceeded. I was blown away, even though I had a feeling that's how the cards were going to fall. I salute you Senator Kerry, it was a good fight and you handled it like a real man.

The President has been re-elected. As I have been reading liberal blogs and been on the lovely to see all of the outcry I can only say a few things:

1) It is obvious that now that Bush has been re-elected, the USA is going to be vaporised
2) It is obvious that the economy is going to collapse. The United States is going to become bankrupt and we will all be out of jobs and broke
3) The military is going to invade the REST of the WORLD! We will conquer all the other "sovereign" nations
4) Bush is going to start up the draft and probably make it for age 14 and above
5) Etc, Etc, Etc...

The above is all sarcasm, for anyone it wasn't blatantly obvious to. Unfortunately, this is the kind of stuff I've been reading all day online. I chuckle mirthfully and have a little smirk on my face even as I sit here writing.

Hail to the Chief,

God bless President George W. Bush


J. Mac

Tuesday, November 02, 2004

Election Day - Get out and Vote!

Don't forget ladies and gentlemen, today is November 2nd. That means today is ELECTION DAY! Please, I beg all of you registered voters to go out there and make your voice heard. Of course, since I'm a Republican I am really just want the Republican voices to be heard. Oh, if you are a Democrat and you really don't want to vote for Kerry just because he's "The Other Guy" then get out there and make your vote for Nader! Hell, go nuts... vote for Bush or Nader! :)

On a local note: (New Yorkers) Please do not vote for the re-election of Charles Schumer. I'm sure Hilary Clinton can find herself another assistant and we don't need to elect her a free one. I managed to even convince one die-hard Dem to vote for Mr. Mills, I know I can get more.


This message was brought to you by one lone Republican voter awash in an Island of Democrats.

I'm Jay Mac and I approved this message.